Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Not available!!!

Alhamdulillah sorang lagi kawan aku dh jadi tunang orang..pasni leh le prepare bab kawen plak... hehehe.kepada kak siti dan pasangan nye abg zam..tahniah dan selamat bertunang..smoga kekal sampai ke jinjang pelamin dan seterus nya ke akhir hayat..aminnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


rabu lepas pas balik keje..siap2 eda ajak kuar jalan2 kt padang polo...aku..eda..n mel..huhuh mkn laksa polo tringat zaman2 mase study kat poli dulu...hari2 mkn laksa kedah..kelazatannya sehingga menjilat jari..hahaha sambil2 mkn kami berposing la kat polo... ni sume eda la punye idea...bile dh dtg idea gile die..mmg giler la jwp nye..yang si mel ni layan kan aje idea gile eda...eda ni mmg sahabat baik aku dr form 1 sampai la skrg... pape pun tahniah diucapkan kt kwn baik aku eda.. yang baru bertunang 21.Disember.2008.. smoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat.. aminnnnnnnn

bunge~ memey n mel~ eda n memey~

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fall for you...

Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

The best thing about tonight’s that we’re not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don’t think that I am trying
I know you’re wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over againDon’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another dayI
swear it’s trueBecause a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you i’d never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may of failed
But I have loved you from the startOhhhh
But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to findIt’s impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me inI’m yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cuz talk is cheap
And remember me tonightWhen your asleep
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rahsia Bulan kelahiran

Sangat setia dan pemurah
Bersifat patriotik
Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan
Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa
Bercita-cita tinggi
Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dlm organisasi
Seronok didampingi
Suka bercampur dgn org
Suka dipuji, diberi dan suka dibelai
Sangat jujur amanah dan bertolak ansur
Tidak pandai berpura-pura
Cepat marah
Perangai yg berubah-ubah
Tidak ego walaupun harga diri yang sangat tinggi
Benci pada kongkongan
Suka berlawak
Berfikiran dgn logik

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


susah sgt la nk upload gmbr dlm ni..internet lembab cam aku masuk slide show je la...zassssss...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Majlis Pertunanagn Dadie & Memey

Mulai 6 Disember 2008 secara rasmi nya aku dh x de bf... sbb aku...ermm...aku dah bertunang..hahahha Alhamdulillah semuanya telah selamat dan insyaAllah ianya akan diakhiri dengan majlis seterusnya pada tahun hadapan.Pada semua mengucapkan kata-kata semangat tempoh hari..terima kasih atas nasihat-nasihat yang diberikan.Untuk photographer...thanks bnyk2 sbb bg album free..lain kali bg le lagi yea..kehkehkeh.. and all my fren..time kaseh le bnyk2 sbb sudi dtg and bwk hadiah skali... (tu yg aku suke tu hehehe).. kat bwh ni aku ade upload sket2 gmbr mase majlis aku.. so korang yg kat luar tu leh le tgk2..kalo cantik boleh puji..kalo x cntik dok diam2 je tau...hehhee